Mission Statement
So what is this whole "Ten Minute Sabbath" thing all about?
Put simply, it is an opportunity to pause, turn our attention to scripture, prayer and meditation, and fulfill God's will. God gave us the sabbath, as a rest from the busy-ness of life. God also commands that we observe sabbath. Indeed, God asks us to take a full day for sabbath rest each week. Some are able to fulfill that request; most are not. But our inability to make a full sabbath day each week shouldn't deter us from seeking sabbath where we can. Surely God is pleased whenever we step back from life, however briefly, for quiet rest and reflection.
So what you will find on these pages is an opportunity to observe sabbath, just as God commanded. Each day has two devotions. Each devotion offers a chance to pray, to read a sacred text (some will be biblical, and some will not), and to meditate upon the wonders of our faith and our lives.
You are welcome here. Please use these devotions however you are able, and may God bless your ten minute sabbath.
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