Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Week of Sabbath II, Day Six

Prayer of hope:

Precious Lord,
Take my hand and lead me from death to life. Make me an instrument of all that is good in the world, and lead me to proclaim peace and justice for all. Amen


Make us worthy, Lord,
To serve others throughout the world
who live and die
in poverty and hunger.
Give them, though our hands, this day their daily bread,
And by our understanding love,
give peace and joy.
--Mother Teresa


There was never a doubt that Mother Teresa would become a saint. She gave her life to the poorest and most powerless people in the world. She lived among those people, in the slums of Calcutta, for much of her life.
Her funeral was attended by many of the most powerful people in the world. That’s kind of a funny juxtaposition, if you think about it. Ironic to the tenth power. There were those at Mother Teresa’s funeral who had the power to alleviate so much of the suffering she tended to daily. Few would argue that there isn’t enough food in the world—daily bread for all. It’s just not in all the right places. In this country, we destroy it, in order to keep free market capitalism flowing smoothly.
So why isn’t everyone fed? Why are people suffering throughout the world? Perhaps we have failed to pray Mother Teresa’s prayer, and to require it of those we would elect to lead us. Perhaps all we need is to pray for the worthiness to serve others, and to work for daily bread for all of God’s children.

Prayer of commitment:

God of the least of these,
I pray this day for those who suffer. I pray for those who are hungry and thirsty, for those who are sick from diseases that have cures, and for those who cannot earn enough to live a good life. Help me to do what I can myself to work for an end to their suffering. And lead me to stand up, in the town square and the voting booth, and help to change the world. Amen


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